
Markitforce Launches Quarter 1 Theme in Style!

What is a BHAG you may ask? Big Hairy Angry Gorilla? Not quite… it stands for BIG Hairy Audacious GOAL! A goal that will be achieved in 10 years’ time.

Further to an off-site 2 day Management Workshop which entailed setting the strategy for the business for the next 1, 3 and 10 years, it was agreed that Markitforce’s BHAG is 15 FOOTBALL FIELDS OF WAREHOUSE SPACE!

To communicate this goal and to engage the entire business, a launch party was held on Friday 8th June, promoting all things Football!

BBQ Breakfast, Goal Kicking Competitions, Footy Passing Competitions and Penalty Shootouts were just a few of the fun activities that the entire business participated in.

Alan Higgins presented a full summary of the 2 day Workshop and staff were given branded Markitforce Stress Footballs and Flags with the tag line – “Kicking for Growth with Markitforce!”

One staff member after the 1.5 hour launch party said “This is so exciting! I can’t wait to be part of this growth journey and the opportunities it will bring…”

A huge thank you to everyone involved in making this event so successful!


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